Air Duct Cleaning
There’s more to clean than you think.
Your air conditioning coils are exposed to a lot of debris day and night. They can get plugged up with dirt, lint, cooking oils, smoke, hair, dead skin, construction debris, drywall dust, sawdust, nails, kids’ toys, and food from the kitchen vents. We’ve even seen teenagers use it as a place to hide things! You would be amazed at what you can find in an HVAC system.
The fact is, all of these things will slow down your airflow and cause your furnace to run longer and harder, forcing your bills to go up.
Proper Air Duct Cleaning Services
Leveraging professional equipment with professional practices.
There are a few ways to clean your ducts, and some methods are better than others.
At QUADCA, we only recommend one method called the Push-Pull Negative Air Method. The method involves hooking up a high-powered vacuum that pulls air backwards through your ductwork. If there is no vacuum hole present then the tech will cut a hole into the ductwork and attach the vacuum hose. Once the vacuum is sucking air back through your vents, the tech will use highly compressed air to blast compressed air down each vent and work to push the dust and debris into the main trunk line (which they will later clear). At this point, it’s recommended that the furnace and dryer Vent are cleaned, as well.
How not to clean your air ducts.
The other method of cleaning an HVAC system is full surface contact cleaning. This is NOT recommended by QUADCA, but we want to mention it in case your current tech is using this approach. This method has the tech use a shop vacuum to manually brush the surfaces of the duct system. This usually means cutting large holes into your main lines so the tech can get their arms into the ducting. Sometimes these systems can work well, but if your home's duct system has ducting behind walls and in floors (which most homes do) then it's impossible to reach every duct and, in turn, impossible to clean the entire system.
The whole point of duct cleaning is to remove the dust, not create more. Using substandard practices means that you will end up having to call another company to properly clean the system. If you hire a duct cleaner and they show up with a big red shop vac with spinning brushes or attempt to use their carpet cleaning vacuum with a plastic box over your vents, send them away. These are not QUADCA approved cleaning methods and will only leave you with a bigger problem down the road.