Become a Member

The Easy Way to Separate Yourself From HVAC Scammers, Enhance Your Social Proof, and Increase Your Sales.

Tough times mean tough customers.

The economy is in absolute chaos, and uncertainty means that customers are going to be a lot pickier about where they spend their dollars. But, you’ve probably already seen as much in the past year.

Your regulars haven’t gotten in touch as they normally would. Your phone lines are way quieter than you’d like. And your competitors are showing up everywhere: Social Media, Radio, and even TV ads.

You’re fighting for a smaller and smaller slice of the pie every single day. And your reputation will be the biggest difference maker in how many sales you generate.

Like it or not the furnace and air duct cleaning industry is rife with scammers. People who dive into Air Duct cleaning without the proper training or equipment and charge homeowners hundreds of dollars to just have dust blown around their homes instead of removed…

Quadca is making it easy for qualified business owners to separate themselves from scammers and establish trust with new prospects from the very beginning

The Trust Gap in Duct Cleaning

As you know, Air Duct Cleaning is an unregulated industry. There are zero government regulations or mandatory training programs.

On one hand, this lowers the barrier to entry, making Duct Cleaning one of the best and most profitable industries that anyone can dive into.

On the other hand, no national standard means that duct cleaning companies can pretty much do as they please.

They go into homes with sub-par equipment and leave things worse than they found them…

Agitating dust in furnaces and ducting instead of removing it. Once the technicians are gone and vents are active— the entire place is covered in dust, triggering terrible allergic responses, headaches, coughing, sneezing, and worse. Not fun.

Naturally, customers become skeptics and start diving deeper into every company they’re thinking of hiring so they won’t have to experience that again. Unfortunately, that means they’ll disqualify your company for the slightest things— even something as “silly” as your website not looking completely up to code…

The extra scrutiny makes it harder to generate sales. But we can help with that.

Quadca has developed a simple solution that makes it easy for new customers to trust Duct cleaning companies.

We boost furnace and duct cleaners’ reputations making it easier to build rapport and trust, and as a result, easier to generate sales.

Plus! Getting started is completely free.

Dive in Now

The Simple Way to Secure Your Reputation and Build Social Proof

The battle for members of the furnace and duct cleaning community is one for social proof.

We need a simple, straightforward way for customers to separate the good cleaners from the bad and that’s exactly what QUADCA is aiming to create.

Here’s How it works in a nutshell:

You get started with us for FREE

 . All you need to do is fill out a questionnaire to get started. 

From there, we’ll conduct an assessment of your company to ensure that you have the right equipment, training, and quality of customer service to meet the QUADCA standard. 

Once Approved , you get access to QUADCA branding that you can use on your trucks, equipment, and website

. The QUADCA branding makes your business instantly stand out among the competition. Letting customers know that you’re one of the good ones and that they can expect a cleaner home, instead of one filled with dust everywhere after poor service. 

We keep working with you to grow your business

Once you’re qualified, if you choose to, we’ll keep working with you and other qualified furnace and duct cleaners to continue marketing your businesses using sales funnels and social media. 

By getting signed up with QUADCA you’ll be getting a lot more than a badge to put on your truck.

You’ll be arming your business with a new tool for generating sales and referrals.

The marketplace is in desperate need of trust, and QUADCA is the only organization that’s making a tangible impact on the customer’s ability to trust local furnace and duct cleaners.

By working with us, you’ll not only automatically boost your reputation, but you’ll also make it easier for customers to spot scammers.

In the long-term, this works out better for all of us since more trust in the industry means more sales overall.

NOTE: While membership is free right now— it won’t be forever.

Eventually, we’ll be providing more in-depth marketing and training , and raising the standard for qualification for QUADCA membership.

Getting in now is as easy and cheap as it will ever be —100% FREE— so don’t miss your chance.